Can you turn a donkey into a racehorse?
Sales training methods
Recognizing talents and developing potential
Is successful selling now a talent or a training matter? How do supervisors and HR know if the candidate is the right one?
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Different types - different strategies.
INSIGHTS MDI® personality assessments are holistic diagnostic tools for talent recognition and potential development. They analyze a person’s behavior and motives and evaluate strengths and potential. Companies thus place recruitment and talent management on a scientific basis.
For companies, this means:
- less fluctuation = lower costs
- motivated employees and better performance
- more individualized interview guidelines for employer reviews
We highly recommend the INSIGHTS MDI® personality analysis as an important part of the training.
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Why do people find certain things easier or harder? The report provides you with three detailed sections: behaviors, motivators, and the connection between these two areas. You will also see what corresponds to the natural base style and the adapted style.
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Why do certain salespeople perform better than their colleagues? This report builds on the Basic version, but refers specifically to the sales process and its phases. The analysis supports the best possible use of strengths and potentials in sales.
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Is this candidate the ideal candidate? For the on-boarding process or team analyses, we recommend the sales strategy indicator. This is an analysis of how far a salesperson knows strategies to sell successfully in different sales situations.
→ Not a company? The personality analyses are also available for private individuals and can be ordered at – including a personal interpretation conversation via video call.
«Hi Daniel. I was in sales training with you a few years ago and would like to give you feedback on how much my life has changed since then. I was able to learn a lot from your seminar which I can apply not only in sales but also in everyday life. Especially the 4 steps in dealing with problems have helped me to finally have the courage to deal with an unsatisfactory situation and to act. That's how I reoriented myself today, because I didn't want to be one of those people who just complain all the time but don't change anything. In the meantime, I live in a new city and work for an international company in the sales field. Your trainings have inspired and motivated me to take a closer look at sales, to try out more, to make more deals. That's how I went from being a consultant to being a salesperson, because I have your tips in mind every day. So my life has completely changed for the better and I am very grateful to you for that. I just wanted to show you that your trainings can have a big impact.»